About us

Local 4731 Executive & Union Stewards

CUPE Local 4731 Executive Contacts

Position Name Contact Email
CUPE National Representative Colette Singh -
Local 4731 President Wael Elrafih President@CUPE4731.com
Local 4731 Lead Steward Vacant LeadSteward@CUPE4731.com
Local 4731 Recording Secretary Glenda Keating Secretary@CUPE4731.com
Local 4731 Treasurer Megan Niccolls Treasurer@CUPE4731.com
Alpha House Unit Vice President Joshua Bennet AlphaVP@CUPE4731.com
Workers Resource Centre Unit VP Quinn Blythe WRCVP@CUPE4731.com
Trinity Foundation Unit Vice President Hyder Syed TrinityVP@CUPE4731.com
True North Unit Vice President Vacant WheatlandVP@CUPE4731.com
FearIsNotLove Unit Vice President Pam Kelsh FearIsNotLoveVP@CUPE4731.com
Wood’s Homes Unit Vice President Justyna Sindrewicz WoodSVP@CUPE4731.com

Unit Vice Presidents & Stewards Contacts

Wood’s Homes

Role Name Contact Email
Unit Vice President Justyna Sindrewicz WoodsVP@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Matthew Tsatas Woods1@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Meagan Gaalaas Woods2@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Rimple Minhas Woods3@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Stacey Murphy-Gerlach Woods4@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Sarah Mason Woods5@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Yiwola "Wola" Akinfolarin Woods6@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Phillip Botteril Lethbridge@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Krista Batt FortMac@CUPE4731.com


Role Name Contact Email
Unit Vice President Pam Kelsh FearIsNotLoveVP@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Melody Provost FINL1@CUPE4731.com

Alpha House

Role Name Contact Email
Unit Vice President Joshua Bennet AlphaVP@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Jodey Crocker Alpha1@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Izzy Lang Alpha2@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Jackie Hopkins Alpha3@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Carolyn Taylor Alpha4@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Kristen Bishop Alpha5@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Muhammed Hussain Alpha6@CUPE4731.com

Trinity Foundation

Role Name Contact Email
Unit Vice President Hyder Syed 4731.trinity@gmail.com
Union Steward Mary Emro Trinity1@CUPE4731.com
Union Steward Eva Yongaan Trinity1@CUPE4731.com

Workers Resource Centre (WRC)

Role Name Contact Email
Unit Vice President Quinn Blythe WRCVP@CUPE4731.com

True North Society

Role Name Contact Email
President Wael Elrafih President@CUPE4731.com





Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee is responsible for reviewing, assessing, and making decisions on grievances brought forward by members. They help ensure that the rights of members are upheld and assist in resolving workplace issues.

Name Unit
Quinn Blythe WRC
Vacant Alpha House
Caleb Kokura Wood's
Rachel Medilo FINL
Amanda V TPFA

Bylaw Committee

The Bylaw Committee oversees the review and revision of the local's bylaws to ensure they remain up-to-date and relevant. They help maintain the structure and governance of the union, ensuring it aligns with CUPE’s rules and the needs of its members.

Name Unit
Mary Emro TPFA
Rimple Minhas Wood's
Matthew Tsatas Wood's
Amanda Kemery TPFA

Social Committee

The Social Committee is responsible for organizing and coordinating events, activities, and gatherings that foster a sense of community among union members. They help build solidarity and camaraderie within the Local.

Name Unit
Izzy Alpha House
Rimple Wood's
Kristen Alpha House
Priscilla Alpha House
Hussien Alpha House


The Trustees are responsible for auditing the union's financial records and ensuring that they are managed according to the highest standards of transparency and accountability. They play a key role in maintaining the financial integrity of the Local.

Name Unit
Mary Emro (3yr) TPFA
Amanda V (2yr) TPFA
Priscilla Squib (1 yr) Alpha House




Equality statement

Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from working together to strengthen our union.

As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.

Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.

Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that help us grow as a union.

Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages, safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.

CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality. Members, staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality and respect.